BAN Otomotif - Konsep Renault KWID Bersama Drone Super Pengintip

Drone Drone Drone.. Spying jet yg tahun lepas kecoh di iran, pakistan.. Sebab ada drone masuk suka hati.. Drone kebanyakan digunakan untuk mengintip.. Now, renault hadir dengan konsep kereta berserta drone kawalan dari kereta.. Senang nak spot check speedtrap kat depan..

At the 2014 India auto show, Renault has brought a concept car called KWID, featuring its own drone. The small flying camera emerges out of the roof and, in automatic mode, hovers above the car offering a bird's-eye-view of your surroundings, while displaying the images on the all-electric CUV's touchscreen. In manual mode, the automaker claims you can control the drone from within the car, making it the perfect tool for checking out when the traffic lets up. Or spying on your fellow motorists.

Info Asal : Yahoo

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  1. nak naik kereta ker nk pergi perang ni

  2. kat malaysia kat mana je nak beli drone ni??
