BAN Israel - Laknatullah Israel Mula Menyekat Air Ke Bandar Palestin

Dalam ketaksuban umat islam yang bersenang-lenang di negara mereka, palestin terus disiksa tanpa belas kasihan oleh israel. Negara islam manakah yang bakal bersuara untuk menentang israel. Atau mungkin artis porno islam yang akan bersuara demi rakyat palestin. Aku rasa negara islam ada lebih dari 10 negara. Masing-masing dengan ideologi samada syiah ataupun sunni. Itu jika diperingkat pentadbiran global islamic.

Kalau masuk ke negara islam, lagi tragis dengan perebutan kuasa memerintah dan terus menerus melontar fitnah dan menjadi lawatan ke palestin sebagai satu usaha menarik minat umat islam semata-mata mengundi demi menegak islam liberal.

Israel laknatullah telah memastikan terdapat 10 saluran air yang memasuki palestin dan mereka ingin menyekat saluran tersebut. Saluran yang menjadi sumber keperluan utama rakyat palestin.

The Israeli regime has completely cut off water to Palestinian villages in the occupied West Bank, local media say.

Palestinian media reported on Monday that Israeli authorities halted the water flow to 10 villages located northwest of al-Quds (Jerusalem). 

According to reports, local Israeli officials had already imposed restrictions on the amount of water pumped to these villages. 

Reports also indicated that residents were living on very small amounts of water even before the total halt of water flow. 

Locals also said that hundreds of Palestinian students are also suffering from the lack of water in their schools. 

The Palestinian NGO, Land Research Centre, also said in a recent report that Israeli settlers from the settlements of Yiztar and Baracha have been using water springs in the Palestinian residents of Burin in order to raise fish. 

The Palestinian residents lodged a complaint with Israeli authorities, saying that the settlers use their only source of water, not only for farming but also for their leisure. This is while the Palestinian community suffers water shortages and has to pay extortionate rates for water. PressTV

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  1. apa yg mampu, berdoa.

  2. Mohon najib buat sekali lagi lawatan sambil belajar di palestin

  3. memang Israel ni bangsa yang patut dimusnahkan lah...

  4. Sial jahanam mampos ko hancur bangsa babi israel ni!

  5. dulu Nazi tinggalkan sikit...
    lani terbukti depa punya perangai!
