BAN IRAQ War - Serangan BOM Ke Atas Masjid Sunni Di IRAQ

Serangan ke atas masjid sunni di baquba iraq telah membunuh 32 orang dalam 2 letupan yang menghancurkan. Serangan dikatakan oleh pengebom berani mati. Siapa pengebom, masih tidak dapat dipastikan.

Itulah dunia islam pada hari ini, serangan bom, serangan ke atas masjid, laungan terus menegak islam dan perpecahan islam sunni dan syiah. Terus menerus berlaku dan umat islam dilabelkan dengan pelbagai nama. Tak cukup dengan itu, di malaysia pula sesama islam sendiri mempersoalkan sistem islam.

An Iraqi soldier inpects the remains of a vehicle at the scene of a car bomb explosion the previous days in Baghdad's Sadr City district on May 16, 2013. (AFP Photo)
Iraqis inspect a burnt vehicle at the site of a car bombing at a market in Baghdad's impoverished district of Sadr City on May 16, 2013 as at least eight people were killed in blasts across the country. (AFP Photo)
Iraqis gather around burnt vehicles at the site of a car bombing at a market in Baghdad's impoverished district of Sadr City on May 16, 2013 as at least eight people were killed in blasts across the country. (AFP Photo)

Info Asal : RT

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  1. Sama2 kita doakan umat islam sunni dan syiah bersatu hati. berpaksikan ajaran al-quran yg diajar oleh Nabi Muhammad s.a.w

  2. astagfirullah. semoga umat islam di iraq tidak menjadi seperti di palestin.

  3. Semoga Org Syiah bertaubat & pulang ke jalan yg benar.
